Focus and Scope

This journal publishment purpose on increase the reader's insight as well as a source of literacy on the theory and practice of basic Islamic education. This journal publishes original articles on the latest trends and issues related to basic Islamic education, especially in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/equivalent which includes :

  1. Learning

Contains the results of research on learning carried out in Islamic basic education. We recommend a study that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning that is studied from several perspectives including psychological, social, cognitive, affective, and cultural.  

  1. Trending issues

Contains the results of research that discusses the latest global issues and trends that have implications for the world of Islamic basic education, especially at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/equivalent level.

  1. Elementary school educator

Contains the results of research that discusses the professionalism of an educator which includes: preparation, performance, development, career, and problems faced by educators in Islamic basic education.

  1. The Curriculum and policies of elementary education

Contains the results of research that discusses the application, effects and influences, pros and cons, and evaluation of basic education policies and curricula issued by the government and the implications of Islamic basic education, especially in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/equivalent.

  1. Elementary school management

Contains the results of research that discusses the management of Islamic basic education. The study on this scope is quite broad, covering: management of school-based institutions, education curriculum management, student management, human resources and personnel management, school financial management, school infrastructure management, leadership, and student input/output management.