STRATEGI : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat 2024-11-26T07:35:24+00:00 Sholikah Open Journal Systems <p>STRATEGI : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat merupakan kumpulan artikel ilmiah yang disusun dari hasil pelaksanan kegiatan pengabdian dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam ruang lingkup pendidikan, keagamaan, dan entrepreneur.</p> NADZAM KUNCI NAHWU : PENDAMPINGAN NADZAM KUNCI NAHWU (NKN) UNTUK PENGUATAN KAIDAH BAHASA ARAB DI PONDOK PESANTREN PUTRI MANBAIL FUTUH JENU TUBAN 2024-07-18T07:37:41+00:00 Ana Achoita Much Machfud Arif Fathul Amin Siti Nuril Millati Ma’shumah Siti Nuril Millati Ma’shumah <p>Nadzam Kunci Nahwu is a breakthrough method that was adopted and developed to make it easier for students to understand and apply Nahwu practices, which some people may still consider foreign, but we can be sure that they do not violate standard (old) Nahwu rules, because they are prioritized. is an approach and understanding using Indonesian, with a method concept that is very different from what is currently known. At the Manbail Futuh women's Islamic boarding school there is an innovation in teaching in the form of nadzam about basic scientific principles in understanding books called Nadzam Kunci Nahwu (NKN). The strategy used in this assistance is field mapping, namely carrying out observations at the Manbail Futuh Jenu women's Islamic boarding school regarding the students' understanding of Nahwu science. Then there was socialization related to the provision of Nadzam Kunci Nahwu (NKN) training activities. From the results of the NKN Training, it was found that the implementation of the NKN Training greatly influenced the understanding of students in reading and understanding the Salaf book by using the method of adapting material taken from the Jurumiyah book, and providing real examples and direct practice in the methodical book, the Imla' book. juz 1 and 2, Manbais Shorfi, Anwarul fiqh, Matan Safinah, and the book Nadzom Kunci Nahwu</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRATEGI : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat PEMBERDAYAAN DESA BERBASIS INOVASI PRODUK CEMILAN SEHAT DI DESA SAMBUNGREJO 2024-11-15T15:49:23+00:00 Akhmad Aji Pradana Ihda Shofiyatun Nisa Mir'atul Firdausi M. Najib Fikri <p><em>Empowering village communities is an important effort to improve the economic and social welfare of communities, especially in rural areas. One empowerment approach that can be taken is through the development of innovative products based on local resources, one of which is healthy snacks. This PkM aims to identify the potential of Sambungrejo village in developing healthy snack products as part of community empowerment. The results of the PkM skills training program in making healthy snacks involving PKK and women's communities have proven effective in accelerating the process of community empowerment.&nbsp; that innovation in healthy snack products made from local ingredients can increase people's income and open up new business opportunities. Apart from that, it is hoped that the development of this healthy snack product can become a model of sustainable economic empowerment and have a positive impact on the development of Sambungrejo village.</em></p> 2024-11-15T15:49:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRATEGI : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN POSTER UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN LITERASI SISWA KELAS 4 DAN 5 DI MI AL-HIDAYAH LERAN WETAN 2024-11-15T16:17:22+00:00 Ziana Dhurrotul Ainiyah Nurhaningtyas Agustin Nina Novita Suswatiningsih Irfa'i Alfian Mubaidillah <p><em>Community service activities with the theme of assisting in the creation of posters to enhance students' literacy skills are indeed crucial for improving understanding of literacy and the literacy skills that students should possess. The method employed in this community service consists of a series of activities. There are two stages in this community service project: the initial survey stage and the mentoring stage. The target of the mentoring is fourth and fifth-grade students at MI Al-Hidayah Leran Wetan. The achieved results include an improvement in literacy understanding and literacy skills through the creation of poster media</em></p> 2024-11-15T16:13:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRATEGI : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN BUKET SNACK UNTUK MEMBANTU PENINGKATAN TARAF EKONOMI DI NGREJENG, PURWOSARI 2024-11-26T07:35:24+00:00 Sahri Arie Yudistira Jayanto Jihan Herawati Ananda Putr Siti Jamilatul Mutmainah <p><em>Livelihood is a source of income or work that is a source of income for a person or family. Livelihoods can vary, including formal employment, self-employment, or other sources of income. jobs that match skills and aspirations require approach and training. Livelihoods, especially in the Ngrejeng village community, generally lead to agriculture and creating independent businesses by making snacks, so the opportunity to open a bouquet business has great opportunities in the economic business sector. Bouquets are often given as gifts on various occasions, including birthdays. , weddings, graduations, or when visiting sick people. This program aims to improve people's skills and standard of living through training in the art of flower bouquet making, with a focus on environmental sustainability and economic empowerment. Many people rarely know about making bouquets, even though they are always present at every event and almost everyone uses them for congratulations or celebrations, but most people don't know how to make bouquets and tend to order them. This is a great opportunity for people to open a business with a bouquet, therefore this program was created and chosen to provide inspiration and motivation for people to take advantage of something that can become a business opportunity.</em></p> 2024-11-26T07:30:29+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STRATEGI : Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat